The Echium plant has long been beloved by bees, and that alone should have tipped us off to the incredibly complex, nutrient-rich oil that it can produce. The plant grows quickly and in many areas is considered a disruptive weed, but crushing the seeds of this secret powerhouse from the borage family yields a light to dark yellow oil that is nearly unparalleled as a source for Omega-3 and Omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids.
The major fatty acids found in Echium oil are palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, alpha linolenic, gamma linolenic and stearidonic acids; it is a great source for natural occurring omega-3,6 and 9 fatty acids. The lipid profile for Echium oil is similar to that of our bulk wholesale borage oils and blackcurrant oil which are rich in omega-6 fatty acids. Much like borage, black currant, and other vegetable oils that we carry that are rich in Omega-6 fatty acids (see also our soybean, safflower,hemp and evening primrose oils to list a few), Echium oil is a potent ingredient for cosmetics and food supplements. What sets Echium oil apart is its uniquely high ratio of omega-3s. It averages levels more than double that of omega-3 rich vegetable oils. Echium oil contains on average about 30% alpha linoleic acid and nearly 13% metabolite stearodonic acid. Echium oil provides high levels of omega-6 (more than 43%) and Omega-3 (nearly 27%)—typically you would have to combine an omega-3 rich oil with an omega-6 rich oil to get the kind of fatty acid profile that echium oil contains in and if itself!
Take care of yourself this winter with this omega powerhouse!