Check out our delightful discounts for December! Castor oil has been around for a very long time but is growing in popularity for usage on the hair and skin, as well as a plethora of uses around the house. It is derived from the seeds of the Ricinus communis plants that grow wild in wastelands across tropical regions. From the jungles to home and beauty shelves everywhere, find out what all the buzz is about by taking advantage of 10% off. Organic Lemongrass Oil is also a featured special this month. As temperatures drop this winter, this aromatic essential oil aroma will have you reminiscing refreshing cold lemonade breaks during the hot summer months. What better way to combat dry winter skin than stocking up on Natural Organic Cocoa Butter in 25 kg blocks and taking 10% off!
Use code: FBDec16 for 10% off the following:
Castor Oil – USP (S1120)
Cocoa Butter – Natural Organic 25kg Block (B3020 – C1)
Use code: FBDec30 for 30% off the following:
Tamanu Butter – Organic (B3082)
***One Coupon Code per customer;
cannot be applied to already discounted or tiered pricing***