The ever so popular Coconut has the reputation of causing a lot of confusion. Is it a fruit? Is it a nut? Does it come from palm trees?
Short answer, it IS a fruit and to go even further, it is classified under the subcategory Drupe, implying it has a hard outer shell (much like a nut). Coconut trees are a member of the palm tree family and a coconut tree is a type of palm tree, but not all palm trees are coconut trees.
At Jedwards, over the past couple of decades, we have been strategically and aggressively sourcing various kinds of coconut oil and coconut derivatives to suit the varying needs and preferences of our valuable customers. Although they all come from the same fruit, different processes transform it into many variations of oil. With a bit of additional knowledge, you can determine which Coconut Oil is the specific one you require for your application.
Coconut Oil will vary in two major ways: Consistency and Odor. Understanding each varieties’ properties will help you discern you are picking the best oil for your project.
Extra Virgin Organic Coconut oil, item # S1150, is solid at room temperature with a 76 degree melting point. With this melting point, the time of the year you order may greatly impact the physical form in which the product arrives to you. Ordering in the summer months will bring you a liquid product whereas ordering during the winter will land you with a solid coconut material that needs to be melted to pour or physically scooped in order to work with.
Virgin coconut oil carries a notable coconut fragrance and aroma. This material is certified Organic. It is also the “secret” ingredient for many family’s “Movie Night Popcorn.”
Jedwards also offers Coconut Oil – Virgin Organic Fair Trade, Item # S1151, which is certified through our partnership with Fair Trade USA.
Coconut Oil RBD, item # S1700, is often simply referred to as 76 Degree Coconut due its melting point. Contrast to the extra virgin option, this oil has been fully refined, bleached, and deodorized. The refining process removes its natural characteristic aroma that reminds us all of a vacation on a beach somewhere, whereas the non-chemical bleaching process through clays result in a whiter end product. We also offer Certified Organic RBD Coconut oil, item # S1140, which carries the same characteristics as Coconut RBD, but extracted from certified organic coconuts and meets all USDA organic standards throughout the supply chain.
Recently, we added Coconut Oil – 92 Degree, item # S1703 to our line up, also referred to as hydrogenated coconut oil. This oil is similar in odor and taste to our Coconut RBD but as a result of the hydrogenation process, has a higher melting point of 92 Degrees.
We also carry Fractionated Coconut Oil, item # C1005, a completely liquid and odorless material, ranging from clear to slightly yellow in color. These neutral characteristics makes it an ideal carrier oil and is also commonly used for nutritional purposes due to its composition of caprylic and capric triglycerides.
Fractionated Coconut Oil – C8, item # C1004, is the latest material added to our family of Coconut Oil options. We strategically sourced this special ingredient due to the increased demand in products geared towards the ketogenic diet. This option is nearly colorless and odorless material with the added benefit of being 99% caprylic acid.
We hear you, it’s a lot to take in! We hope this information helps you find which coconut oil is best for your application and please feel free to reach us at (617) 472-9300 ext. 158 for additional information!