Win for your Valentine!

We’re running a contest!  How many pieces of individual candies are in this vase?   UPDATE:  The winner of the contest, with the winning guess on Facebook of 375, is Amy Barnes. The actual number of candy pieces was 371!  Thanks to all who participated.  Happy Valentine’s Day!  Submitting a guess could win you or…

December Brings Delightful Specials

Now that Black Friday and Cyber Monday have settled down, it’s time to think about your raw ingredient needs.  Jedwards International has been buzzing with holiday order activity and we’d like to give our favorite customers a chance to save!  Below please find the materials we are offering at 10% off, for this month only. …

Your Questions Answered

At Jedwards International, we pride ourselves on providing exceptional customer service, offering quality material and competitive pricing.  We have qualified sales staff manning the phones Monday through Friday, from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm, Eastern time to field the myriad of questions that come our way.

Show Me the Honey

In the 1380’s while writing the Canterbury Tales, Geoffrey Chaucer coined the phrase, “Busy as a bee.”  This ancient comparison of women to bees is fairly apt, as every single worker honey bee that gathers nectar and pollen from flowers is female.  The activity surrounding a bee’s daily tasks seems exhausting, but their determination, day…

Materials that Bind

I’m sure we’ve all been accused of using the idiom “oil and water don’t mix.”   While cliché, this theory does have an element of truth, as oil and water have been proven to be immiscible.  Any time the force of attraction between molecules of the same liquid is greater than the force of attraction between…

In Tune with June Savings

As the weather gets warmer and our dispositions get sunnier here at Jedwards International headquarters in Braintree, MA, we want to pass along new savings to you.  Our 10% off carrier oil discount for the month of June features Safflower Oil – High Oleic (S1540). 

Sweet Rewards Contest

How many Organic Bittersweet 70% Chocolate Wafers do you think are in this container? Submitting a guess could bring you sweet rewards!!  Jedwards International is excited to be holding a contest to celebrate chocolate, in conjunction with the “Captivated By Chocolate” Blog released today, Monday, May 22, 2017.  In the comment section below, guess how…

Captivated By Chocolate

  There have been numerous studies done over time to ascertain how chocolate consumption impacts humans.  One such study at the Human Olfaction Laboratory at Middlesex University concluded the smell of chocolate triggers positive reactions and may improve your mood. 

HSCG 2017 Conference Highlights

Jedwards International was delighted to be included as a proud sponsor of the HSCG Annual Conference in Las Vegas from May 1 through May 3.  The event was well attended with close to 600 participants; from the “just starting out” soap making hobbyist looking to mix and mingle with like-minded individuals to start up cosmetic…