Allulose (D-Psicose) : New Sweetener Product!

The wait is over, our latest addition to our product line has arrived – Allulose! Allulose, also known as D-Psicose, naturally occurs in small amounts in edible plants and fruits such as figs, jackfruit, and raisins. Because it is produced in such small yields, Allulose is considered a rare sugar and increasing in popularity due…

New Sweetener Product: Dextrose Monohydrate

Dextrose Monohydrate, abbreviated as DMH, is a natural monosaccharide and carbohydrate. This simple sugar, also known as D-Glucose, has fewer calories with a less sweet flavor profile by 20-30% than sucrose, your typical refined sugar. This raw material is sourced from cornstarch, carrying no odor. People who require or prefer less sucrose in their diet…

When the Sun Comes Out to Play, the Skin Has a Say: Organic Aloe Vera Powder

Aloe Vera (aloe barbadensis) is one of the oldest and most known natural folk remedies. Native to eastern and southern Africa, aloe grows wild in tropical climates and is extensively cultivated worldwide for its potential healing properties, especially treating sunburns or discomforting skin conditions. This well-known succulent plant has been used for medicinal purposes for centuries,…

food wood spoon glass

Our Honey – Raw – Organic is Now Non-GMO Certified!

We’d like to share the news buzzing around here! Our Honey, both Raw & Organic, is now certified by the Non-GMO Project! Intrinsically, this single organic honey ingredient can’t be anything other than non-GMO, right? So, why would it need certification, and how is that even determined? Well, bees must get their nectar from somewhere,…

New Product: Turbinado Sugar

Looking for an alternative to your regular granulated sugar? Our latest new product line addition could be for you! We’re happy to announce we are now offering Organic Turbinado Sugar. In the US, it’s often branded as “raw” sugar—which isn’t actually accurate marketing by the true definition of “raw,” as this material certainly goes through…

Win for your Valentine!

We’re running a contest!  How many pieces of individual candies are in this vase?   UPDATE:  The winner of the contest, with the winning guess on Facebook of 375, is Amy Barnes. The actual number of candy pieces was 371!  Thanks to all who participated.  Happy Valentine’s Day!  Submitting a guess could win you or…

Your Questions Answered

At Jedwards International, we pride ourselves on providing exceptional customer service, offering quality material and competitive pricing.  We have qualified sales staff manning the phones Monday through Friday, from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm, Eastern time to field the myriad of questions that come our way.

Show Me the Honey

In the 1380’s while writing the Canterbury Tales, Geoffrey Chaucer coined the phrase, “Busy as a bee.”  This ancient comparison of women to bees is fairly apt, as every single worker honey bee that gathers nectar and pollen from flowers is female.  The activity surrounding a bee’s daily tasks seems exhausting, but their determination, day…