landscape photography of wild trees over mountain

New Oil Added: Mongongo Oil

Have you been waiting on us to release a new oil? Wait no longer, we’re ready to announce that our latest product line addition is Mongongo oil! Mongongo oil is cold-pressed extracted from the nut of the Schiniziophyton rautanenii tree. The Mongongo tree is also sometimes called the Manketti tree, so you may see this…

person putting essential oils into a diffuser

Enhance Your Relaxation With Essential Oils

Stress, one of the biggest and sneakiest causes of many physical ailments! It leads to muscle tension, headaches, gastrointestinal symptoms, and certainly doesn’t do the heart any favors. Everyone can benefit from adopting a routine that naturally reduces your stress levels, taking time for yourself, and your health. Popular methods include baths, meditation, reading, connecting…

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Omega-3 Source: Norwegian Salmon Oil

When it comes to nutritional supplements, fish oils are one of the most popular and commonly discussed! Full of omega-3 essential fatty acids that humans can’t naturally produce, we carry a wide variety of oils sourced from different marine life organisms and one of these frontrunner products is Salmon Oil. We have previously carried Salmon…

New Product: Rice Bran Oil – RBDW Organic

Rice: one of humanity’s oldest domesticated crops. It is believed it was first cultivated by the people of the Yangtze River basin as long as 13,500 years ago. Today, it’s the third-most produced agricultural commodity and one of the most consumed staple foods. The rice plant is milled, removing the outer husk to create brown…

a surfboard on a brick fence

Protecting Your Skin This Summer

It’s officially summer in the Northern Hemisphere, which means you need to protect and care for your skin differently than during those cold, dry months. Bug bites and sun damage can turn summer into a bummer. You’ve heard it before, but it’s true that the best care can be preventative care! Start by keeping pests…

New Oil: White Camphor Oil

White Camphor Oil is a pure essential oil just added to our growing product line, a material you’ve likely already heard the buzz around for its many applications!  Let’s break down this new material and dive into what it is and where it’s found. Camphor is steam-distilled extracted from the wood of camphor laurel (Cinnamomum…

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Two New Skincare Products for the Summer

It’s summer and the days are getting hotter and hotter. Our two newest products are from some of the warmest climates around; surprisingly, we did not plan to debut these in the summer months but if the shoe fits… Have you tried shea butter, cocoa butter, or jojoba butter for your skin care and still…

crop woman sitting in foamy water

Treat Yourself on International Bath Day

Ages ago, bathing was a community affair, done in large-scale public bathhouses, bodies of water, or with a washcloth and a basin of water. There was also a period of time when people didn’t really even wash often, if at all! In the modern age of go-go-go, many of us often opt for showers. The…