The atmosphere was abuzz with energy this year at the Peachtree Westin in Atlanta, GA as handmade soap makers and cosmetic creators descended upon the annual conference. Jedwards International, for the fifth year and running, was proud to be representing once again as a conference sponsor.
Tag: aromatherapy
Rejoice in March Savings
Everyone loves to save money and March is an exciting month for savings on your favorite Jedwards International ingredients. When the materials listed below are purchased in the month of March, using coupon code FBMar2018,
Making Scents of Lavender
Lavender is a popular scent, considered to be a must-have ingredient in a formulator’s repertoire of essential oils. Its aromatherapeutic qualities have been cherished throughout the world for thousands of years. Lavender is one of the most popular and best adapted perennial flowering plants in the world.
Flipping Over February Specials
What better way to celebrate the shortest month of the year than to offer 10% savings? For February only, the raw ingredients listed below will be offered at 10% off. Please note, the discount applies to gallons, pails and small pack sizes only; not applicable to drum orders.
December Brings Delightful Specials
Now that Black Friday and Cyber Monday have settled down, it’s time to think about your raw ingredient needs. Jedwards International has been buzzing with holiday order activity and we’d like to give our favorite customers a chance to save! Below please find the materials we are offering at 10% off, for this month only. …
Your Questions Answered
At Jedwards International, we pride ourselves on providing exceptional customer service, offering quality material and competitive pricing. We have qualified sales staff manning the phones Monday through Friday, from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm, Eastern time to field the myriad of questions that come our way.
November’s Notable Savings
With Thanksgiving just around the corner, Jedwards International is giving thanks to our customers by offering 10% off the following amazing raw ingredients.
HSCG 2017 Conference Highlights
Jedwards International was delighted to be included as a proud sponsor of the HSCG Annual Conference in Las Vegas from May 1 through May 3. The event was well attended with close to 600 participants; from the “just starting out” soap making hobbyist looking to mix and mingle with like-minded individuals to start up cosmetic…
Announcing Price Breaks at Jedwards – Evening Primrose, Borage and Lavender….Oh my!
Jedwards International has been sharpening its pencil to create more attractive pricing for several high demand materials. Our desire to create the most competitive pricing for our customers keeps our purchasing department active following the outcome of the harvests of our materials and working closely on our relationships with our suppliers in an effort to…
Captivated by Cranberries!
“I made cranberry sauce, and when it was done put it into a dark blue bowl for the beautiful contrast. I was thinking, doing this, about the old ways of gratitude: Indians thanking the deer they’d slain, grace before supper, kneeling before bed. I was thinking that gratitude is too much absent in our…
November 2016 Coupon Codes
November brings in a broad array of savings at Jedwards International. Our Clove Bud Oil discount is sure to inspire Jedwards’ customers. Though it might not be one of the most well-known essential oils, it is one of the most useful oils to have around, with multi-purpose uses from inclusion in cosmetics to aromatherapy. Avocado…