Show Me the Honey

In the 1380’s while writing the Canterbury Tales, Geoffrey Chaucer coined the phrase, “Busy as a bee.”  This ancient comparison of women to bees is fairly apt, as every single worker honey bee that gathers nectar and pollen from flowers is female.  The activity surrounding a bee’s daily tasks seems exhausting, but their determination, day…

Materials that Bind

I’m sure we’ve all been accused of using the idiom “oil and water don’t mix.”   While cliché, this theory does have an element of truth, as oil and water have been proven to be immiscible.  Any time the force of attraction between molecules of the same liquid is greater than the force of attraction between…

Summertime Savings – August 2017

The weather is heating up at Jedwards’ headquarters in New England, so too are the savings!  Jedwards International is offering a savings of 10% off (*restrictions apply) for the following materials this month:  Almond Oil – Sweet (S1000), Eucalyptus Oil, Smithii Organic (EHM1051) and Organic Mango Butter (B3041).

Getting Zany with Xylitol

Progressive choices on the market in sweeteners and sugar substitutes are on the rise, with good reason.  The average American consumes 400 calories per day from added sugars in their diet.  Excess sugar contributes to tooth decay and obesity.   Jedwards International is joining the ranks of businesses dedicated to offering healthier alternatives to sugar.  The…

Happy Father’s Day

Father’s Day has been a celebration to honor fathers, as well as their influence on society, since the Middle Ages.  What began as an observation in Catholic Europe on March 19, which is the feast day of Saint Joseph, the paternal Nutritor Domini (“Nourisher of the Lord”), this tradition spread into Latin America with the…

The Economics of Natural Ingredients

One of the most fundamental concepts of economics is the law of supply and demand.  The Purchasing Manager at Jedwards International is constantly trying to forecast and balance the amount of material that may be needed against the amount of supply we keep in our warehouse.  When you are dealing with natural ingredients, this responsibility…

Captivated By Chocolate

  There have been numerous studies done over time to ascertain how chocolate consumption impacts humans.  One such study at the Human Olfaction Laboratory at Middlesex University concluded the smell of chocolate triggers positive reactions and may improve your mood. 

Make Way for Monoi Oil

Monoi Oil will be making its appearance to the Jedwards International line up soon!  Monoi is a blended material consisting of an infused perfume oil created by soaking the petals of Tahitian gardenias, also known as Tiaré flowers, in refined coconut oil.  The resulting fragrance is a subtle aroma which combines delicate floral with clean,…

Ringing in 2017 with AMAZING specials!

  Celebrate the New Year in style and savings!  Jedwards International is promoting a few products in January that are sure to please our customers.  We are offering 10% off the following select materials (also listed below) in January if you mention the special code FBJan17.   Grape Seed Oil (S1220) is a popular material used…

Captivated by Cranberries!

  “I made cranberry sauce, and when it was done put it into a dark blue bowl for the beautiful contrast.  I was thinking, doing this, about the old ways of gratitude: Indians thanking the deer they’d slain, grace before supper, kneeling before bed.  I was thinking that gratitude is too much absent in our…