clear glass mug with black liquid

Brew With Cocoa Nibs on National Beer Lover’s Day

Did you know the art of brewing beer is one of humanity’s oldest traditions?  Once, it was a common recreational activity for households and communities. Today, it’s a global industry from large multimillion-dollar companies to small local brewpubs—of course homebrewing is still an extremely popular activity. Whether you’re selling on a large scale or a…

New Product: Turbinado Sugar

Looking for an alternative to your regular granulated sugar? Our latest new product line addition could be for you! We’re happy to announce we are now offering Organic Turbinado Sugar. In the US, it’s often branded as “raw” sugar—which isn’t actually accurate marketing by the true definition of “raw,” as this material certainly goes through…

person putting essential oils into a diffuser

Enhance Your Relaxation With Essential Oils

Stress, one of the biggest and sneakiest causes of many physical ailments! It leads to muscle tension, headaches, gastrointestinal symptoms, and certainly doesn’t do the heart any favors. Everyone can benefit from adopting a routine that naturally reduces your stress levels, taking time for yourself, and your health. Popular methods include baths, meditation, reading, connecting…

photo of ripe mangoes

Celebrate Mango Butter on National Mango Day!

Which exotic fruit is a great additive to smoothies, desserts, salsas, or simply considered a highly prized melon by itself? July 22nd is National Mango Day, so we’re talking about mangoes! An edible stone fruit native to the south and southeastern Asian region, this sweet fruit is perhaps more than 5,000 years old. While we…

coffee beans

New Popular Skincare Ingredient: Roasted Coffee Oil!

Coffee: One of the most traded commodities since its discovery in the Middle East, during the 15th century. Humans quickly became obsessed with this beverage, favored for its stimulant properties and potential health benefits. Today, it’s prepared a myriad of ways, with dozens of words to describe how it’s served (most of them Italian). In…

Desirable Discounts for November

November, most notably known in the United States for the holiday tradition of Thanksgiving, can also be a great month to take advantage of these terrific discounted ingredients.  Corn Oil – non-GMO (S1155), Eucalyptus Oil, Smithii Organic (EHM1051) and Yacon Syrup – Organic (G1250) are all offered for the month of November only at a…

Special September Discounts

What better way to celebrate Fall than to offer super discounts on three great ingredients!  Canola Oil – non-GMO (S1100), Tea Tree Oil – Australian (EHM1141) and Soy Lecithin – Liquid Non-GMO (S1602) are all being offered at 10% off on orders of pails, gallons, and smaller pack sizes only; Not applicable to drum orders…