photo of black rabbit

Contribute to Cruelty Free Industries

While cruelty free products are necessary for a vegan lifestyle, you don’t need to follow a vegan diet to support initiatives in favor of eliminating practices that harm animals or provide them with sub-par treatment. Many consumers agree that animal testing is unnecessary today with our history and knowledge of the products we use. Furthermore,…

Jedwards Adapts to Supply Chain Snags

Global trade has become an essential part of creating consumer goods in the 21st century. Much of the world’s global trade occurs in seaports with gigantic cargo ships that can haul up to 24,000 steal containers. Sea ports are a nexus within the supply chain system. They foster much of the interaction between production and consumption…

Have You Tried Our Organic Bittersweet Chocolate?

Some of the best things in life are often described as bittersweet: Memories, coffee, various fruits… but the one thing that comes to most people’s mind is probably chocolate! Cacao in its natural state is relatively bitter, which is why sugar is often added to sweeten it up and make it more palatable. Whereas milk…

Give the Gift of Creativity This Christmas

Consumable gifts are being coming more popular than ever. These are gifts that can be eaten or used up in some way. They’re often budget friendly and not to mention total “space savers”. A lot of gifts usually make their way back to the store shelves from which they came or sometimes they just end…

National Witch Hazel Day

Today is the first National Witch Hazel Day! Considering the popularity of this astringent, it’s surprising we weren’t celebrating sooner. The witch hazel plant has been used for centuries in folk medicine, but it took off in the 19th century when the plant was first steam-distilled and sold. Today, it’s used in a variety of…

man wearing blue and white checked sport shirt and black hat

We Love Our Farmers!

Today, October 12th, is National Farmer’s Day. This day, once called Old Farmer’s Day, has been recognized since the early 1800s in America. Other countries have their own farmers’ days to celebrate on different days, but here in October, it’s harvest season—the perfect time to reflect on what’s produced over the course of the year….

person putting essential oils into a diffuser

Enhance Your Relaxation With Essential Oils

Stress, one of the biggest and sneakiest causes of many physical ailments! It leads to muscle tension, headaches, gastrointestinal symptoms, and certainly doesn’t do the heart any favors. Everyone can benefit from adopting a routine that naturally reduces your stress levels, taking time for yourself, and your health. Popular methods include baths, meditation, reading, connecting…

photo of ripe mangoes

Celebrate Mango Butter on National Mango Day!

Which exotic fruit is a great additive to smoothies, desserts, salsas, or simply considered a highly prized melon by itself? July 22nd is National Mango Day, so we’re talking about mangoes! An edible stone fruit native to the south and southeastern Asian region, this sweet fruit is perhaps more than 5,000 years old. While we…